Life Updates

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who has downloaded and played our game, Wake! We passed the project with a very good mark and we even made it to 280 downloads! 😀

We immediately started to work on the bigger project with different people. Today we got our first feedback on a prototype we build in minecraft and of course still lots of things need to be done. The exact setting is still to be discussed, but the core of our concept is that you play together with a group of 4-5 people, while one of you is basically a mole who has to prevent the others from reaching their goal (which is still to be decided). I’ll keep you informed on the progress! 

And then there is Inktober. I’m still days behind, in spite my efforts trying to catching up a last week during holidays. XD I hope I can manage to keep up at least this weekend, I really wanted to finish Inktober before November begins! 

On a sidenote, a group of classmates and I are joining a big exposition called the ‘Kunstroute’ in Alphen a/d Rijn (Netherlands)! So if anyone is near or in Alphen on 4, 5 or 6 November, go check it out! I will be presenting a bunch of Inktober drawings.

Thanks everyone who has wished me a happy Birthday! I’ve had a great day. :3