I promised pictures of studio a few weeks back, well, here they are! They were shot on a very rare occasion when I was the only one working there.

Main entrance to the left. There is a kettle and like ten brands of tea, as well as a small cooking plate if we are feeling hungry. 🙂

Beige door is to the teacher’s office. Screen in the back is for projecting animations, of course! Sometimes people take a nap on the blue couch. 😀

You see, no one actually likes cleaning up here XD Although this is primarly where our teachers will be working, we can freely enter here by using the key right behind the door. We actually have been given a key to the studio, so we can work here whenever we want to!

We also have an ‘upstairs’! Can you spot the little dinosaur from here?

The main reason why it’s such a mess is because all the work from previous semester is still there. Though I don’t think it will be cleared up soon. 😉 Also the Mac is one of the few here, most computers are operating on Windows. Bummer!