Year: 2017

  • About that 3D game project …

    I’ll keep you informed on the progress.” That was almost two months ago. Oops. ^^;

    Of course I should have written something earlier, but all of my energy went into creating the concept art, illustrations and 3D models for this game, as well as applying for internships, my new job and on top of that the usual December festivities … I didn’t have much energy left for dA. But now I have one thing less to worry about: I secured an internship position at a small game studio, whoo!

    Then our game!

    Poster by Sarah Bergmann

    It’s called Aurora Trail and it’s a puzzle adventure game for pc! It has just recently gotten a Steam page and we’ll release publicly January 8th! Early acces will be earlier, naturally, so if you want to play it earlier I can probably give you a Steam code around Christmas. ^^; We have a Facebook pageInstagram and Twitter, as well as a website, if you want to follow us (and see pictures of us in real life!) 

  • Life Updates

    First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who has downloaded and played our game, Wake! We passed the project with a very good mark and we even made it to 280 downloads! 😀

    We immediately started to work on the bigger project with different people. Today we got our first feedback on a prototype we build in minecraft and of course still lots of things need to be done. The exact setting is still to be discussed, but the core of our concept is that you play together with a group of 4-5 people, while one of you is basically a mole who has to prevent the others from reaching their goal (which is still to be decided). I’ll keep you informed on the progress! 

    And then there is Inktober. I’m still days behind, in spite my efforts trying to catching up a last week during holidays. XD I hope I can manage to keep up at least this weekend, I really wanted to finish Inktober before November begins! 

    On a sidenote, a group of classmates and I are joining a big exposition called the ‘Kunstroute’ in Alphen a/d Rijn (Netherlands)! So if anyone is near or in Alphen on 4, 5 or 6 November, go check it out! I will be presenting a bunch of Inktober drawings.

    Thanks everyone who has wished me a happy Birthday! I’ve had a great day. :3

  • Portfolio Night!

    Yesterday was the day: professionals would be visiting us and looking at our work. The idea behind it was a chance for us to start networking and make contacts for our internship.

    As I am planning to go on exchange to Prague instead of doing and internship one would say it wouldn’t be that bad if it wouldn’t go so well. But I was so stressed for it that I actually needed some time for my own after building up. 

    … But it went actually pretty well! Two game studios talked to me and gave me their cards! The whole atmosphere was really relaxed and informal, we even talked about the new Zelda game, yay!

    I am really happy now and that it is behind me as well. I am actually the only one in my class so interested in games and wanting to design for games. In the Animation class there is more interest in the game industry, but at Illustration there is not for some reason. It made me stand out, which is good, I guess! 😀

  • Inktober and other life things

    Tomorrow Inktober is starting again and I’m super excited! This year I’ve decided to use the daily drawings to play around with story ideas for the harpy characters I came up this summer. Yes, the one winged harpy isn’t alone anymore: I have ideas for at least five other characters and a vague plot line! 😀

    I’m not giving away any more, but I shall provide enough context with every Inktober drawing so you can slowly getting to know these new characters and their quirks. For now can tell you that Ms. one-wing has gotten a name, Jurmala, and she loves to put on pranks! 

    In other news, the game project is slowly getting on it’s end. Next Wednesday we’ll having a presentation where the game has to be basically finished. If any game-breaking bugs appear we have till Monday 9th to fix them and finish all the paperwork! After that, we move on to our next project (a 3D game)!

  • English Translation of the Ligeia Comic

    Sorry for the neglect of art and content the last few months. Trying to keep it up again! Have here a long overdue finally finished English version of that Czech comic I was working on.

  • The End

    It’s been one week since I left Prague and came back to my little rainy flat country. It’s true what people say, going to study in another country, no matter where, is an amazing experience. You’re meeting people from all over the world, not just Czechs, and exchanging experiences and ideas with people from different cultures is such an amazing thing to do. It made me think a lot about what it means to be Dutch and what Dutch culture means to me.

    The Czech Republic is an amazing country with amazing people. They might need a little time to open up, but when you’re past that initial hesitation they are truly kind and helpful.

    I will definitely go back there one day.

  • Knife Thrower Circus Paper Stop-Motion Animation!

    Here it is, at last! My paper stop-motion animation about a knife thrower and his lovely assistant.

  • Trailer of my Ligeia Comic

    And at last, the actual trailer! Vimeo has an upload limit every week, so I guess you have to wait a little longer to see my Circus animation… Be patient, my friends.

  • Klauzura Exhibition opening night, part 2

    The ‘Poe machine’ was the most amazing thing our two curator-students put together: you could choose which trailer you wanted to see by typing in the corresponding number code. The code also matched the comics on the wall, so after you’ve seen a trailer you liked you could find the number (and name) and read the story.

    A lot of students thought our studio had one of the best presentations of all the studios, a nice break of the usual white cube presentations, so to say. 🙂