Category: Life

  • Arrived in Prague!

    This is my new home for the coming four months! 😀 My roommate hasn’t come back from her adventures yet, but judging from her food supplies could she be very well the Taiwanese student that’s going to study Film and TV Graphics with me!

    The view isn’t that bad either:

  • Life Updates

    I haven’t been really active for a while because there are so many things going on now.. School has started again two weeks ago, and first of all, I’m in my 3rd year now, which means I’m a senior student! One year and a half and I’m graduating and I don’t feel ready for that at all!

    Thinking about that, I discovered that a lot of illustrators do have a side job to have enough income. Or at least I suspect it, after reading a few books and such… It’s at least eye-opening because I always thought felt you either make it or your don’t in this business, and if you don’t you’re a loser.. But getting clients and contacts and promoting yourself take a lot of time, if not money, so it makes sense that you have other ways of getting money, before you actually start living from your art…

    Back to the project we’re working on right now. Luckily for me, the theme about this quarter is game design, so I can finally use and train the skills I’d want to use in the future! Unfortunately, the team I’m in is quite a diverse mix of personalities and we have a hard time deciding what to do and how we’re gonna present it.. So either it turns out great or we will fail miserably. I feel we’ll get into a fight at each other at least once during this project, if not soon. :/

    And then there is the Portfolio Night on the 12th of October! All kinds of professionals and studios and companies will visit and I have the chance to show them my work… Which means you have to make the best impression! With lots of good works to show! I have such an hard time picking artworks that are worth showing.. 🙁

    But let’s end all this stressful talk with a happy note: if everything goes well, I’m going on exchange next February! That means I will be spending four months at UMPRUM in Prague! Yay! 😀

  • Welcome to my new personal corner of the internet!

    This blog is a continuation of my old blog, which is written in Dutch. I mostly wrote about my experiences and projects at the Willem de Kooning Academy there.

    In third grade I decided it was time to make the jump to a more professional portfolio website, written in English. I didn’t continue blogging, though, as it took a lot of time to document my projects so thoroughly and I didn’t really feel compelled to do so anymore.

    When leaving for Prague to study animation for four months, I wanted to try blogging again, which became I have since moved those blogposts onto this site. When I came back, I found I liked blogging enough to try to keep it up at my Tumblr, with varying succes. Now this site is up and running, it is time to crosspost news and updates from here, too!

    So welcome to my new personal little corner of the internet!