An illustration I made of Wonder Woman after seeing the film on a plane flight.
Project Type: Illustration
Projects for which the final deliverable was a fully rendered image telling a story.
2019’s Christmas Card
Christmas-themed illustration I made to send to friends and family.
Harpies (Inktober 2017)
A selection of drawings I made for the Inktober Challenge in 2017.
This was the first year I followed the official prompt list, and on top of that I set myself the restrictions that all drawings needed to feature harpy characters and all drawings needed to be made on brown paper.
In the end it was a bit too much of a challenge and I didn’t manage to finish all 31 drawings, missing just four.
Best of Inktober 2016
A selection of the ink drawings made for Inktober in 2016.
Inktober is a community challenge started by the American illustrator Jake Parker. He started in 2009 with drawing an ink drawing every day during the month October to practice drawing in ink. In 2016 thousands of people participated in Inktober.
Click on a drawing to see it full-size.
Rat Survival Gamecard
Illustration made to present a game concept for an hypothetical adventure survival game.